Ever thought of testing your DNA? If you’re from the Reggio Calabria area of Italy, and more so from Martone, Gioiosa Ionica, or Grotteria then you may want to read about the Calabria DNA Project.
Here’s a bit about the Project Goals which have been taken directly from the website:
Calabria DNA Project
Project Goals
The Calabria DNA project has two main goals:
One is to investigate the ethnic and genetic diversity of Calabria as shown through the DNA of the descendants of those born in Calabria. In most cases project members are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Calabrians. But, through the genetic story told in their yDNA and mtDNA, we can discover the heritage of Calabrians over the centuries. We hope that some of what we learn through the results of this project can contribute to the knowledge of human migrations being studied by population geneticists.
The second goal, especially as we recruit more members, is to actually establish connections – a common ancestor – between some members. Genetic genealogy is a new tool in genealogy research that can supplement and help make breakthroughs in traditional records-based research. Once that common ancestor has been discovered, then much more productive research in the records can help fill out family trees.
This is a project endorsed by some of the top geneticists today, including L. Luca Cavalli Sforza of Stanford University and Dr. Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona.
For more information or to join the project, please contact the group administrator, Louis Loccisano at Louis@calabriadna.com
Welcome to the Geneabloggers family. Hope you find the association fruitful; I sure do. I have found it most stimulating, especially some of the Daily Themes.
May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!
Dr. Bill 😉
Author of Back to the Homeplace
Thanks for the warm welcome and I’m sure I’m going to enjoy being part of this wonderful community as well! Cheers!
I would love to have other Calabrians test their DNA to find the origin of their families. Just email me if you have any questions. Thanks, Nuccia, for the nice post!