One of my absolute favourite resources that was only recently published online is the Albo dei Caduti della Grande Guerra which is the list of Italian Soldiers killed in Italy during World War 1. The site is completely written in Italian but is still very easy to navigate if you follow the instructions below.
1. Go to the blue link Cerca negli Albi
2. The list is arranged by groups of provinces. For example 9 is for the Provinces of Reggio Calabria (RC), Catanzaro (CZ) and Cosenza(CS)
3. Click on the blue link Caduti Grande Guerra in the second column.
4. Scroll down and you will get a group of buttons A-Z
5. Click on the first letter of the surname of the person who you are researching.
6. Use the list of names like you would the telephone book (remember to check the page before and after as well and alternative spellings of the surname). This is a great way to see if your surname has changed through the years.
Using this site I was able to locate several missing ancestors and the dates and causes of their deaths. For soldiers killed from Ardore, Reggio Calabria see Calabria Exchange: SEARCHING THE ARDORE WW1 DEATHS DATABASE IN ONE STEP